This year marks the 34th year of service to our community. I want to personally thank you for showing your support by previously helping to sponsor our events. I want to encourage you to reinvest in this event as well. This event requires a tremendous commitment from sponsors and the community we serve. I hope we can count on you for a generous donation. All donations are tax deductible (check with your tax service).
The Antioch Rivertown Jamboree is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation, Tax Exempt No. 68-0159140. The specific purpose of our corporation is to conduct and improve public celebration and events to make the public aware of and enjoy the benefits of the City of Antioch, the Rivertown District and East County. I hope you will continue your support and commitment. Please know that we are counting on you this year. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.I will be happy to answer any questions you may have (925) 757-0972.
Betty J. Smith,President